General Interest class:
Companion to Jamgön Kongtrül with Craig Preston.
(11:30 am - 01:00 pm Pacific Time, Mondays)
Course Description
The aim of this class is to help students by filling in the philosophical back-story to the Buddhist philosophy discussed in Jules Levinson's advanced Tibetan translation class on a classic of the Tibetan nonsectarian (ris med) movement, Treasury of Knowledge (shes bya mdzod), by Jamgön Kongtrül (kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas. 1813–1899).
Learning Tibetan language or history, and other topics related to Tibet, is particularly critical for monks and nuns. The Dharma Farm is non-partisan. We offer our courses for free to any member of the Tibetan Buddhist clergy. Please apply below and one of our faculty will reach out to you for further information.
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